Inktober 1-4 Plus 2 More
Here is the first Monday where I will share with you some artwork that I did last year. Most of it will be from Inktober but there will be a few outside of that. Hope you enjoy!!!!!!! Inktober 1: This is one of my personal favorites. There is so much excitement going on here! Inktober […]
Here Comes the Mondays

Monday gets a bad rap these days. You spend all week working your butts off, then the inviting weekend commences, only to have it crushed by going back to the reality of work… Again. The only exception is if you enjoy doing what you do. That’s the basic attitude of Mondays. I’m not pointing this […]
Black Cat Jason

When Karen saw the Little One painting, early in November 2017, she inquired if I’d be able to do one from a cell phone photo. Karen later showed me which photo she had in mind for me to paint of her cat. It was quite the photo. Both ears were cropped out of the photo, […]
Meeting Cher & FNMS

One day, when I was around around 15 years old, my Mom was surfing around the internet, curious to see if there was anything out there about Nager Syndrome, since finding that sort of thing on the internet was something fairly new to us. She came upon a website called . We were all […]
Adventures of Little One
One commission I had this year was of a cat named Little One. This one was particularly special to do because it was my first Cat Commissioned piece. I’ve done cat paintings before, of my cats Micah and Rain, but never of others’. Not because I didn’t want to. But I just hadn’t been asked […]
Showing Off At The Library
Last year, I had the honor of showcasing some of my artwork for public display for the first time ever. That’s right, my very first Art Show! From November to the end of December 2016, I displayed 5 pieces of original traditional art pieces. Having never done this before, this was quite a learning experience. […]
Two Years Of Change
The last time I wrote a blog, or really did anything productive on my website, was on August 22, 2014. A lot has changed since then. The first change was the loss of my best fur buddy cat, Micah. He passed away just three weeks after my last blog post. It was an extremely difficult […]
The Worth Of A Life
First, if you have not read this, do so now. It is what this blog post is about: Richard Dawkins says fetuses with Down’s Syndrome should be aborted Okay, you read all that? All set? Here we go: I get that this is a personal choice and that people will ultimately make the decisions themselves. […]
You Should Really Read This
And not just this! Oh noooooooo-! If you’ve been following along, last time I showed you pictures of two torn up teddy bears, with scarcest of information about them. (see previous blog post for more info) So here we go: Back in mid-May I was confronted with the opportunity to design something for someone. Something […]
A Preview of the Big First
Hello Everyone, How was your summer? Hopefully it was a great summer! Today marks the official start (via calendar) of Fall! And as much as I do like being warm, I lovvvvveee fall. And if you live around New England I think you’ll understand why. :} My summer was pretty busy… For the past several […]